Sunday 7 June 2009

Urls in Community News Items Now Automatically Converted to Links

When you add a Community News item to DanceWeb, the editor now automatically attempts to detect links to web pages, and email addresses, and converts them into active links. When a user views your Community News Item page, they only have to click on the link to visit the referenced website or web page, or send an email.

How to Write Links

For links to be recognised, they must start with a space then "http", "https" or "www", or have the structure of an email (e.g. with an @ sign within them). The links may be embedded within sentences, and optionally followed by appropriate punctuation.

Examples of such links are:

How Links Are Displayed

For brevity, links to page are displayed without the http:// or https:// prefixes, and without any optional querystring. However, when the user hovers over the link, the full link (url) is displayed in the tooltip.

Submitting a Community News Item

Any registered user may submit news items. See:

John Walton
DanceWeb Webmaster